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Alum Events


Middle School Open House
All School
US VISTA Productions Spring Musical
DeSales Auditorium
Days for Girls Service Event
Commers gym

News & Events

Did you just earn your MBA? Win the Nobel Prize? Travel somewhere cool? Send your accomplishments and accolades to the Alumnae Office so we can share them with the alumnae community. 

Get married? Add to your family? Please feel free to share your exciting news within the Vis Alum Facebook Group and let the Alumnae Office know so we can keep your records current.

And be sure to follow the official Visitation Alumnae Facebook Page and join the Visitation Alumnae LinkedIn Group to stay informed of alumnae news and events and connect with other alums.

For more school news, follow the school on Instagram (@visitationschoolmn) and Facebook (visitationschool).


Alumnae Author's List

Find an ever-growing list of works authored or illustrated by our talented Visitation alumnae here.