An exploratory language program taught by talented teachers in their native language, introducing all students to Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese starting in Lower School, elementary school grades Montessori Pre-K through grade 5.
Thoughtful integration of digital tools like Smart Boards, iPads, iMacs, virtual reality devices, various robotics tools, coding and engineering kits that transform learning and expand classroom walls.
Beginning in kindergarten, students learn from a dedicated art specialist. Subjects include drawing, painting, printmaking, fibers, design and more.
A formal program beginning in Montessori Pre-K and taught by a music specialist, with the option of performing in the Lower School Orchestra with string instruments in grades four and five.
Course work beginning in Montessori Pre-K, taught by a PE specialist, integrating movement and spatial awareness, individual and sport skill experiences, and lifetime fitness activities.
Lower School students make use of the extensive resources on our 60-acre campus, from performing on the main auditorium stage and playing in a full-size, well-equipped gym to exploring the outdoor classrooms, ponds, trails, play spaces, tennis courts, multiple fields and natural prairies.
Montessori Pre-K
Imagine an environment especially designed and scaled for a child’s curiosity and power to learn!
- Maria Montessori
This is the environment that awaits your child at Visitation Montessori PreK program. Visitation Montessori creates an environment that inspires children to develop a love of learning that will help support an inner discipline and self-assurance. The Montessori Method respects the individuality of each child by helping him or her develop skills at periods of greatest readiness and sensitivity.
The Montessori curriculum was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. Dr. Montessori’s method promotes the child’s natural, self-initiated impulse to become absorbed in his or her environment and, in turn, learn from it. Dr. Montessori developed specific curricular areas, materials and techniques that assist each child in reaching his or her full potential.
See inside Montessori PreK
Grades K–5
Primary Grades: Kindergarten - Grade 3
Since young minds are highly inquisitive, our elementary school program emphasizes the basics: reading and language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. World languages (Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and French), music and physical education enrich the program, while computer science enhances problem-solving and learning experiences in every subject. From kindergarten on, engaging lessons allow students to develop keyboarding skills and the computer proficiency they will need to be technologically literate in the 21st century.
We teach respect for others and develop leadership skills in a variety of ways. Cooperative learning groups give students a chance to work and solve problems together. Grade level pairings, such as “Friday Friends," meet throughout the year to attend liturgies, participate in shared reading and develop social skills through fun projects and games. Lower School convocations give students the opportunity to work across grade levels on seasonal projects, team-building activities and service opportunities.
Intermediate Grades: Grade 4 - Grade 5
An atmosphere of trust and love creates a positive environment in these critical pre-adolescent years. Our students are not the only ones who learn either. Lower School faculty members regularly observe one another in the classroom in order to benefit from different techniques and peer critiques.
We have high expectations for our students, and they constantly delight us with the excellence of their achievements as well as the depth of their personal growth at an early age. Regular homework assignments in Lower School help establish the organizational skills and discipline students will need to be successful in the future. Social skills and conflict resolution are modeled after the principles of St. Francis de Sales' Christian humanism, which recognizes that spiritual progress comes in and through relationships with others.
Kindergarten – Grade 1
Problem-solving and computation skills are emphasized through verbal interaction, manipulative activities, math centers, and educational games that lay the groundwork for symbolic understanding.
Grade 2 – Grade 3
Math instruction is integrated into all curricular areas. Units of instruction include numeration, time, money, place value, problem-solving, data collecting and analysis, geometry, fractions, measurement, and computation. Hands-on explorations, projects and technology resources enrich concepts introduced in the text.
Grade 4 – Grade 5
The text and supplemental materials emphasize complex facts and operations, connecting concrete and abstract concepts, problem-solving skills, critical and visual thinking skills, and mathematical/logical reasoning. Manipulatives and technology resources are used to enhance the text.
Reading/Language Arts
Kindergarten – Grade 1
The Language Arts curriculum uses a balanced literacy program, utilizing guided reading groups to emphasize phonemic awareness, comprehension skills and reading strategies; flexible skills groups allow for shared and independent writing experiences.
Grade 2 – Grade 3
An integrated Reading and Language Arts curriculum utilizes a basal reader, guided reading groups, and novels to reach readers at all levels. Large group, small group and individualized instruction are used interchangeably to emphasize comprehension skills, reading strategies, decoding, spelling, grammar, mechanics, vocabulary development and writing.
Grade 4 – Grade 5
An integrated Reading and Language Arts curriculum utilizes a basal reader, guided reading groups, and novels to reach readers at all levels. Large group, small group and individualized instruction are used interchangeably to emphasize higher-level comprehension and critical thinking skills, vocabulary development, spelling, grammar, and study/reference skills. The writing process is taught, and writing in a variety of genres is emphasized.
Kindergarten – Grade 1
Through a text, supplemental materials, discussions, journaling, and role-playing, the religion curriculum provides a solid foundation of Catholic scripture and tradition, a diversity of prayer, and age-appropriate activities. Community building and faith sharing are encouraged through prayer services, Masses, service projects and prayer buddies. Salesian virtues and teachings are incorporated into daily activities.
Grade 2 – Grade 5
The religion text builds upon prior knowledge and life experiences to further explore Catholic teaching. Salesian virtues and teachings are incorporated into daily activities. Prayer, journaling, group work, class discussions, projects and service learning aid in the development of the students’ sense of global citizenship, civic responsibility and compassion.
Kindergarten – Grade 1
Science is taught through a variety of units where students are able to explore and develop an understanding of concepts through experimentation. Observation, discussion and written lab reports are supplemented with children’s literature selections and cooking projects.
Grade 2 – Grade 5
An inquiry-based, hands-on approach is used while students develop critical reading and research skills. Full Option Science System (FOSS) is used to engage learners in enduring experiences. A dedicated science lab, the outdoor classroom, technology resources and enrichment projects integrate with other curricular areas. Units are organized under the strands of life science, physical science, earth science, and scientific reasoning and technology.
Social Studies
Kindergarten – Grade 1
Children’s literature and learning centers supplement the social studies text. The concepts emphasized are awareness of the world, interacting with others, and an individual’s role in various communities. Map skills, global awareness and current events are integrated within the curriculum.
Grade 2 – Grade 3
The text is supplemented with authentic literature, current events, technology resources, and integrated projects and presentations. Map and reference skills are integrated into the curriculum, and students explore units that emphasize global awareness, respect, service, responsibility and civic duty.
Grade 4 – Grade 5
The text focuses on the United States and its geography, early explorers and the formation of the United States from colonization to the Civil War. Critical reading skills, map skills and study skills are emphasized as students integrate technology and media resources through the completion of several long-term projects.
Montessori PreK – Kindergarten
In a lab environment, students become familiar with the mouse and keyboard to successfully operate computers. Technology lessons are used to build computer skills and support classroom learning.
Grade 1 – Grade 3
Students learn through developmentally appropriate, hands-on lab experiences how to access information from electronic resources and develop accuracy on the keyboard. Integrated with the classroom curriculum, the applications of word processing, spreadsheets, programming, computer graphics and multimedia presentations are introduced.
Grade 4 – Grade 5
In both hands-on and mobile lab environments, students apply learned computer applications such as word processing, computer graphics, spreadsheets, databases, Internet search strategies, and multimedia presentations to classroom lessons and projects. Students participate in in-depth projects that incorporate inquiry and design skills.
In Lower School, the student is based in a classroom with a primary teacher. Visitation has specialists in several areas who enhance our basic curriculum with integrated and comprehensive areas of study.
The main objective of the kindergarten art program is to provide experiences that promote knowledge, acceptance and celebration of diverse forms of artistic expression.
Grades 1–5
Students work with a variety of media and themes to develop skills in these areas: drawing; painting; printmaking; fibers and design; cutting, tearing, folding, and fastening; and modeling and constructing.
Montessori Preschool - Grade 1
Students participate in singing, playing and movement to increase their understanding of steady beat, dynamics, instruments, matching pitch, musical form and structure, timbre, and a variety of cultural and musical styles. They are also introduced to formal rhythmic notation in first grade.
Grade 2 - Grade 3
Students participate in singing, playing and movement to increase their understanding of musical form, unison and canon singing, pentatonic scale, rhythmic skills and vocal development. In second grade they are introduced to formal composition and improvisation, and in third grade the recorder is introduced.
Grade 4 - Grade 5
Students participate in singing, playing and movement to increase their understanding of partner songs, rhythmic skills, note names, two-part songs, modal changes and meter importance. They are also introduced to string instruments and may choose to participate in the Lower School Orchestra.
Physical Education
Montessori Preschool – Grade 1
The areas covered include movement exploration and spatial awareness, ball skills, basic fitness, organized games and activities, development of cooperative skills, and creative and rhythmic activities.
Grade 2 – Grade 3
Students continue to develop their skills through these activities: locomotor activities; organized games; physical fitness; ball skills; basic skill lead-up games; and cooperative, creative, rhythmic and dance activities.
Grade 4 – Grade 5
Students are involved in physical fitness activities, individual and team sports, and games of high organization with basic strategies and rules. Creative and cooperative activities, jump rope, and rhythmic and dance activities are also developed.
World Languages
Students in Montessori through grade five receive language instruction in Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and French. The program follows the Foreign Language in Elementary School (FLES) model, building basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Upon successful completion of grade five, students in Visitation Lower School will be able to demonstrate performance in the following linguistic and cultural areas: communicate in three languages other than English; demonstrate knowledge and understanding of three other cultures; make connections with other areas of study; understand the nature of languages and cultures through comparisons; and participate in multilingual communities within a variety of contexts.