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Admissions Evening 2024

Admissions Evening

Learn about an all-girls education, see teachers in action, tour our beautiful campus. Experience Vis! You don't want to miss our admissions open house!

Middle & Upper School Admissions Evening
Grades 6-12

October 8, 6 p.m.
Register below!

Questions? Please contact Visitation Enrollment Director, Mirella Miller. 

Learn more about the Vis difference and the all-girls advantage!

Why All Girls?

Why Vis?

Reserve your spot below!


You're invited! Join Visitation School for an Admissions Evening. Our open house aims to give prospective families a peek into life at Visitation School. Join us!

Middle & Upper School: Tuesday, October 8 at 6 p.m.

At Visitation School, conveniently located in Mendota Heights, we believe in the limitless potential of girls. In our all-girls Middle and Upper Schools, girls hold every leadership position. They participate in classrooms where they are confident to express their opinions, use their voices and be their authentic selves. Learning and exploring in an all-girls environment empowers Visitation students to see themselves as the leaders, innovators, artists, champions and changemakers our world needs. At Visitation’s all-girls Middle and Upper Schools, we know girls and we know how girls learn best.

If you are unable to attend the Admissions Evening and would like to schedule a private family tour, please sign up here

Questions? Please contact the Visitation Enrollment team at

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