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Ninth Grade

In grades 6-12, Visitation School focuses on offering a uniquely empowering experience to girls. They learn to speak confidently, lead eagerly and live comfortably in their own skin. They come to see themselves as they are: impressive young women, ready for the world. In Visitation’s all-girls Middle and Upper Schools, we know girls and we know how girls learn best.

Our commitment to all-girls is rooted in something that cannot be measured, but can only be understood in concepts like gratitude and love. In various ways every day, Visitation students and alumnae express how their all-girls’ education has profoundly changed their lives for the better. Graduates of girls' schools are confident learners, critical thinkers, self-starters, and contributing team players. Read the blog or watch videos below to learn firsthand about the impact of an all-girls education. 


Nationwide data indicate that girls in single-sex environments feel more engaged in learning, are prouder of their work and hold higher expectations for future achievement than their peers at coed schools. These are positive dimensions of all-girls learning that we see at Visitation every day. In class and beyond, our girls receive a profoundly empowering education, and it shows. They are confident, competent learners. They are capable leaders. And they will be for life.


See yourself here! Learn more about Visitation School and to schedule a tour, contact the Enrollment Team or complete the inquiry form below. 

Why All Girls ?

“At Visitation, we believe in the limitless potential of girls. In our all-girls Middle and Upper Schools, girls hold every leadership position. They participate in classrooms where they are confident to express their opinions, to use their voices and to be their authentic selves. Learning and exploring in an all-girls' environment empowers Visitation students to see themselves as the leaders, innovators, artists, champions and  changemakers our world needs.” Rene Gavic, Head of School

Upper School Highlights


Visual art courses include drawing, painting, mixed media, printmaking, digital art, photography and ceramics. Performing arts options include ballet, theater, Bel Canto and Chamber choirs, string orchestra, concert band and jazz band.


The humanities are the bedrock of a Visitation education. The influence of our strong humanities subjects, as taught by our devoted faculty members over the decades, has resulted in countless graduates who have combined their education with their innate gifts to become talented writers, teachers, artists, linguists, public servants, theologians, attorneys and more.


We offer a strong STEM focus, featuring inquiry-based math, science and engineering; the integration of learning technology with a 1:1 laptop program; and extracurricular options such as robotics and math teams.


Rooted in the Catholic faith tradition and strengthened by the vision of the Visitation founders, St. Jane de Chantal and St. Francis de Sales, the mission of the Visitation religion department is to make Jesus Christ known, loved and served in the student’s life, so that in collaboration with her family, the student may do the same in her own life and relationships.


Upper School students make use of the extensive resources on our 60-acre campus, from performing on the main auditorium stage and playing in a full-size, well-equipped gym to exploring the outdoor classrooms, ponds, trails, play spaces, tennis courts, multiple fields and natural prairies.

"The generosity of Visitation School made it possible for our family to attend. I encourage all families to explore the financial assistance process to make a Vis education a possibility."

Visitation Parent


Did you know?

  • Students in grades K-12 are eligible to apply for financial grants
  • 39% of enrolled families receive a financial grant.
  • All awards are based on demonstrated need, and the Financial Grant Committee reviews each case individually.
  • In addition to Visitation financial grants, funding may also be available through the Catholic Services Appeal Foundation (K-12) or the Aim Higher Foundation (K-8).
  • Visitation financial grants typically follow a student through to graduation.
  • Visitation supplemental grants are awarded to help support a family through an unexpected temporary emergency.
  • 100% of Visitation's Financial Grants program is covered exclusively by endowment and annual giving, and not subsidized by tuitions.

Contact Katie Owens for a tuition estimate or to learn more. 

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