A message from Director of Middle School, Ilse Norris:
Last Friday, the Middle School Student Leadership hosted a holiday movie night in the dining room. Students had voted earlier from a list of three pre-selected movies. The overwhelming winner was Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Holiday movie night is one of my favorite events of the year. There is nothing quite like watching the girls snuggle up on pillows and blankets, eating popcorn, enjoying each other's company, and watching a holiday movie together. I couldn't help but think how lucky we are to be part of the journey of this wonderful group of teenage girls. My favorite moment was when they expressed gratitude at the end of the night for the opportunity to be together. Thank you to all who contributed to make this Holiday tradition a success!
Every four years, Anita Burg, our art teacher, tackles an ambitious project with the Middle School students. They have to sculpt Olympic figurines according to their preferred sport. I want to shed some light on the process of creating these elaborate sculptures. The students start with simple wire which they have to bend and shape to scale to form the skeleton of their figurine. They then apply papier maché all around the wire to give shape to their sculpture. Finally, they paint their figurine to look like their chosen Olympic athlete. This year, the figurines are exceptional: there are horses for jumping, uneven bars to hold the gymnasts, and diving boards with divers suspended in mid-air … These are truly the most intricate and creative figurines to ever grace our Middle School Commons where they are proudly on display. If you have a moment, please stop by during conferences to admire their amazing work.
The students in Mrs. Koch’s science room have been hard at work. These future astronomers did an in-depth study of a planet in our solar system. Students had to research the physical characteristics, the climate and environment, and the orbit rotation of their respective planet which they incorporated into a Google slide or a display board. To further demonstrate their knowledge, students then made a 3D model of their planet with their moons and rings. The displays are truly something to behold. A few of them are on display in the Middle School Commons. In addition, the cell structure projects featuring the makey-makey kits, created by Mrs. Fellows’ seventh grade science students, are also on display. Please come and have a look during conferences if you are able.
Looking ahead:
The Middle School/Upper School Christmas Concert is coming up on Sunday, December 8 at 4 p.m. in the Commers Gym. This holiday tradition promises to be one of the highlights of the season. I have had the privilege of attending many rehearsals and my admiration and gratitude goes out to Randi Rexroth, our Choir director, and Ross Bell, our Orchestra director. They truly pour their heart and soul into this Christmas concert and in turn inspire the kids to bring their best selves to the table. Please note that students need to be in formal uniform - vests/sweaters, white button down school shirt, school skirt, plain white socks, school shoes - and attendance is required for all Middle School students, so mark your calendars and bring the family!
Finally, I hope Thanksgiving brings you reasons to be grateful, as I am so grateful for you. Wishing you a harvest of blessings, good health, and good times with family and friends. May your blessings be multiplied throughout the year.
It is a privilege to partner with you and work with your daughter in this excellent school!
Ilse Norris
Director of Middle School