A message from Director of Middle School, Ilse Norris:
Every year during Advent, the Middle School religion classes classes lead an Advent prayer service during Middle School assembly. Advent is meant to be a time of quiet waiting and preparing ourselves for the coming of Jesus, not just as a baby at Christmas, but as Emmanuel, “God with us.” On Tuesday morning, the 8th graders began our celebration of the season of Advent with a blessing of the Advent wreath and a reflection on how, in this busy time of year, we often forget what is really important. They reminded everyone present to call on one another to celebrate this Advent as a time to “Prepare Our Heart”, focusing on God’s love for us - seen especially in the gift of His son, Jesus - and what we can do to offer our hearts to God when He comes. This year’s virtue of love and our quote, “All God wants is our heart”, remind us that we need to prepare our hearts by sharing love with those around us.
In addition, we are continuing the tradition of Secret Sisters: the students put prayers, poems and positive messages in their “secret sister’s” stockings twice a week. Every student decorated her own stocking last week to hang on her locker. The stockings make our Middle School hallway look festive and bright; we are certainly getting into the Holiday spirit! On the Thursday before Christmas break, the students have the big reveal of telling their secret sisters who they are in a Christmas card, tucked into the stocking. To top it all off, Santa will be delivering a sweet treat to each stocking weekly during the Advent season!
Looking ahead:
The Middle and Upper School Christmas Concert is coming up on Sunday, December 8 at 4 p.m. in Commers Gym. This holiday tradition promises to be one of the highlights of the season. I have had the privilege of attending many rehearsals and my admiration and gratitude goes out to Randi Rexroth, our Choir director, and Ross Bell, our Orchestra director. They truly pour their heart and soul into this Christmas concert and in turn inspire the kids to bring their best selves to the table. Please note that students need to be in formal uniform - vests/sweaters, white button down school shirt, school skirt, plain white socks, school shoes - and attendance is required for all Middle School students, so mark your calendars and bring the family!
On Thursday, December 12, the entire Middle School, along with Saint Thomas Academy, will have an opportunity to go on several field trips. The sixth grade will go to JA BizTown, the seventh grade will go to the Science Museum in the morning and Feed my Starving Children in the afternoon, and the 8th grade will go to JA Finance Park. For more information and to sign the parental release form, please click here.
It is a privilege to partner with you and work with your daughter in this excellent school!
Ilse Norris
Director of Middle School