Women from Visitation School and Saint Thomas Academy are invited to join together to pray, reflect, and have small group time to share and get to know other women in their communities. All Visitation School and Saint Thomas Academy mothers, guardians, alum moms, and Visitation alumnae are invited! The event will be held on Friday, February 21 from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. at Visitation School.
This year’s speaker is Kenna Millea from the Martin Center for Integration and host of This Whole Life Podcast. Kenna will discuss her work in the integration of mental health and faith, and will help us to better understand how to form healthy habits, especially as we approach the season of Lent.
The morning will begin with Mass at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel at Visitation School followed by fellowship, light refreshments, speaker Kenna Millea and small group time.
$10 suggested donation at the door. Register today!
Parking is available in the main Heart parking lot or Visitation’s Soccer lot as you enter campus. The event is sponsored by the Visitation Parents’ Association and the STA Mothers’ Club.
Volunteers needed. Sign up here!
Questions? Contact Kate McMahon.