Vis Dads Social & Blazer Basketball Game
Vis Dads Social & Blazer Basketball Game
Calling all Vis dads and guardians! Bring the kids to a social event as we cheer on the Visitation Blazers against Richfield on Wednesday, January 29.
Join us for food and beverages during the pregame social, then head to Commers Gym to cheer on our Blazers. Admission is free and there's even a reserved section in the bleachers!
- Pregame social: 5:15 p.m., Dining Room
- Game Time: 6 p.m., Commers Gym
Registration is required. Please RSVP here by Friday, January 24.
Questions? Please contact Tony Mullen.
Go Blazers
Register for the Vis Dads Social & Blazers Basketball Game!