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Visitation Grandparents Day is May 3

Grandparents of students in grades M-12 are invited to attend Grandparents’ Day on Friday, May 3. Invitations will be mailed late March.

Please check this list to make sure we have your child's grandparent's name(s). If your grandparent’s name is misspelled, missing or should not be on this list, please contact Laura Farrell at 651-683-1782 with the corrections by February 28. 

Please note the following:

  • If you asked us last year not to mail to your grandparent, they will still be listed here. Circumstances change frequently and we do not want to make any assumptions. If they are listed and should not receive an invitation for any reason, please let us know.
  • If someone is deceased, please let us know.
  • These are grandparents who live in the United States. If you would like an invitation mailed out of the country, please notify us with the full mailing address – alternatively, we could mail the invitation directly to you.
  • If a grandparent's name is missing, then we do not have a valid address for them or we do not have their names in our records. We are happy to update or add them, please let us know.