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Visitation School Health and Safety Pledge

Visitation School is committed to welcoming students back on campus for in-person learning. While this school year will be like no other, we remain committed to our mission to provide an excellent education within a Catholic environment permeated by Salesian Spirituality and the Living Tradition of the Visitation Sisters. As always, the health and well-being of our students, families, faculty and staff will continue to be our top priority as we navigate our return to campus.

Visitation will implement robust management and control measures in accordance with current guidance to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. The relationship between Visitation School and families is a partnership. Creating and maintaining a safe and healthy campus and learning environment is a shared responsibility between all members of the Visitation community. To that end, Visitation asks that each family review and accept the policies and protocols, as shared in the Visitation Reopening School Plan, on the Visitation School website and below, to keep our Visitation community safe and thriving.

Note: Be sure to click the submit button at the bottom of the form!

I will monitor my child’s health each day and keep my child home if she or he has symptoms consistent with the health screening and decision tree tools, provided by Visitation, consistent with CDC and MDH guidelines. ​​​​​​​​​​
We are strongly committed to providing an excellent education during COVID-19; Visitation has invested in significant technology to enhance both in-person and synchronous learning. Classroom sessions will be recorded for students who are ill and cannot attend class.​​

Visitation School will implement thoughtful management and control measures, consistent with MDH and CDC guidance to mitigate the risk of the spread of COVID-19. Managing risks does not eliminate the risk of COVID-19 transmission. We ask that Visitation families understand this and accept responsibility for taking measures, within their own households, to mitigate the risk that your children and family may present to your own health, as well as the health of others on our campus and within our Visitation community.

Our partnership with students and families creates a culture of health and safety needed to decrease the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission within our community. Thank you for your pledge.

To represent your signature, please type parent/guardian name below.​​​

Please provide an email address where we can send a link to your current form.

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