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Who We Are

Visitation School provides an excellent education within a Catholic environment permeated by Salesian spirituality and the living tradition of the Visitation Sisters.

We are an independent, Catholic school founded in 1873 by the Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary. We educate boys and girls from Montessori Pre-K through grade five and all girls in grades six to twelve. A Visitation education is more than just academic achievement; it's about growth and wholeness in mind, body and spirit. We provide an education that is not for school, but for life. Learn more about sending your child to Visitation.

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Lower School

At Visitation, we know and nurture each child in our care as a unique individual. The Lower School, boys and girls in Montessori PreK through grade 5, is rich with opportunities to explore where our outstanding faculty guide your student's growth and progress. 

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Middle School

Visitation's all-girls Middle School provides an empowering single-gender education where students strengthen their sense of self as they explore and grow as individuals. They are surrounded by high expectations, nurturing faculty and community strong in faith. 

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Upper School

Visitation's Upper School offers an exceptional academic experience, defined by high standards of achievement, close personal interactions with faculty and a clear sense of purpose. The Visitation learner is empowered, competent and confident. They are capable leaders. And will be for life. 

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All-Girls Middle & Upper School

We asked Visitation students why they love attending an all-girls school where they can focus fully on learning, and feel comfortable being themselves in the classroom, in the lab, on the stage or on the field.

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This is Vis

We are an independent, Catholic school founded in 1873 by the Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary. We educate boys and girls from Montessori Pre-K through grade five and all girls in grades six to twelve. A Visitation education is more than just academic achievement; it's about growth and wholeness in mind, body and spirit. We provide an education that is not for school, but for life. Learn more about sending your child to Visitation.

Nora: 11th Grade

“Coming from a public school, a close-knit community has been a welcome change, and I feel supported by my peers and teachers.”

Read More about Nora: 11th Grade
Molly: 11th Grade

"I love Vis because I can form personal relationships with everyone in my class and my teachers, allowing me to feel fully supported here."

Read More about Molly: 11th Grade
Hannah Rae: 12th Grade

“At Vis, simple things go a long way. Whether it’s a quick ‘hi’ in the hallway to a friend, or a question answered by your teacher, it is evident that every little thing truly is done with great love.”

Read More about Hannah Rae: 12th Grade
Ginny: 11th Grade

"I'm incredibly grateful for the heart-to-heart connections that I've made with teachers and students because I go to Visitation."

Read More about Ginny: 11th Grade
Clare: 12th Grade

"All of my teachers and classmates have gotten to know me on such a high level that I do not just feel like a student here, but part of a family."

Read More about Clare: 12th Grade
Bea: 12th Grade

"I can confidently say going to Vis was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself because it has brought me an outstanding education with professional and dedicated teachers, lifelong friendships, and a supportive, loving, positive, and respectful community."

Read More about Bea: 12th Grade
Anna: 10th Grade

"Being surrounded by other young women in Visitation's all-girl environment inspires me to become more confident in who I am both at school and in the real world."

Read More about Anna: 10th Grade
Nate Linscheid: Head Swim/Dive Coach

“I love Vis and the community who support the girls. The uniqueness of an all-girls education is so important because the girls are able to focus on their school without having to constantly fight to have their voice heard."

Read More about Nate Linscheid: Head Swim/Dive Coach
Sarah Ritzenthaler: Third Grade Teacher

"I observe not only the patient guidance of the older students to our little ones, but the gentle support and encouragement that our students give to and receive from their divisional peers as well."

Read More about Sarah Ritzenthaler: Third Grade Teacher
Amy Rivard: Fourth Grade Teacher

"I have the unique perspective of being an alum, a parent and a teacher. I have found that through all these years the environment has not changed and Salesian Spirituality continues to permeate our school."

Read More about Amy Rivard: Fourth Grade Teacher
Vallay Moua Varro '94

"I came to Visitation as a refugee girl hoping to beat the odds. I left with a conviction about the power of education that has shaped all aspects of my life since then."

Read More about Vallay Moua Varro '94
Christina Mahady '01

"While Vis certainly provided me with the educational foundation upon which I've built my business, it's the relationships I formed while there that have truly fueled it."

Read More about Christina Mahady '01

Our Values

Coed, then all-girls: A Perfect Combination

From Montessori PreK through grade five, we welcome boys and girls into an environment in which they thrive together beautifully. In grades 6-12, we offer a uniquely empowering experience to girls. In these years of transformation, as young people shape their personal identities, Vis girls shine.

Our Values

Academic Excellence

Visitation offers an excellent academic experience at each level that is defined by high standards of achievement, close personal interactions with faculty and a clear sense of purpose. Students are prepared for future success. 

Middle School Student outside during recess holding a yellow playground ball

Our Values

Be who you are and be that well.

Full of affirmation and expectation, this simple phrase beautifully captures the spirit of a Visitation education. This is an experience not just about academic achievement, but growth and wholeness in mind, body and spirit.

Teacher and student laughing in pottery class

Our Values

Foundation of Remarkable Relationships

Students and teachers at Visitation are part of a close, strong community founded on trust. One special dimension of the Vis experience is the frequent pairing of students with younger and older partners. We find that with the right guides and friends, the most important lessons in character and kindness come naturally.

Visitation School campus

Our Values

The Power of Little Virtues

One hallmark of the Salesian tradition is a set of virtues inspiring the way we strive to learn and live. Among these are kindness and courage, patience and respect, joyful optimism and gentle strength.

Girls soccer team celebrating after goal

Our Values

More Chances to Excel

Our 60-acre campus is home to a STEM center, a ballet studio, a professional-caliber theater, a stunning art suite, an outdoor classroom and superb athletic facilities. The result is a wonderful richness of options—many chances for each student to find and nurture new talents.

Students acting in Fall Play

Our Values

More Possibilities to Explore

We offer a remarkable breadth of opportunities: French, Spanish and Chinese starting in Montessori preschool; robust arts, athletics and service-learning programs; plus a full array of specialist teachers augmenting our classroom faculty. The result is a wonderful richness of options—many chances for each student to find and nurture new talents.

Members of the class of 2021 in white dresses holding red roses

Our Values

Not for School, but for Life

The aim of a Visitation education is to prepare students for life. To ensure that this preparation meets the demands of the 21st century, we have worked with care to identify a balance of strengths that will define the Visitation learner—from faith and values to leadership, from digital literacy to global citizenship.


65 Acres

Explore campus with trails for walking, running or skiing


Seat professional-quality theater


Tennis Courts


Art Rooms


STEM Center


Places to sit in the sun and shade




World Language Lab

2 + 1

Two softball fields and a soccer/lacrosse field


Black-box studio for theater and orchestra rehearsal


Bright, spacious classrooms


Ponds with a variety of wildlife. We even have peacocks!


Ballet studio


Be who you are and be that well

Here at Visitation School, our students are surrounded by high academic and personal expectations and positive examples of “being who you are and being that well,”—all in an excellent academic community filled with our Salesian tradition. Our students are prepared not for school, but for life. Learn more!

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